App UI/UX Design

For one of my final projects in my senior year of college, I wanted to develop an app that would be beneficial to many people, including myself. Aimful Eats is a prototype app that stores a complete inventory of the user’s grocery items at home. The data is stored in a simple, easy to read format that is fully customizable by each user. The user also has the option to explore new recipes that involve items that they already have at home, allowing for a more cost-effective, low-waste approach to preparing meals.

ui/ux walkthrough

I’ve seen that it is easy to forget about grocery items in your refrigerator or pantry until they have expired, so with Aimful Eats, my main goal was to avoid this problem altogether. Aimful Eats will keep a custom inventory of the groceries that you buy so that you can easily sort through and keep track of the food items that you have at home. It is designed to be able to store custom lists of food data, search for recipes based on select food items, and create a database of recipes for later use.

The best thing about Aimful Eats is that it works to fight against food waste. According to the USDA, “food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply” in the United States. While some of this waste is attributed to harvesting and retail, consumers “contribute to food loss” when they “choose to throw out” excess food they’ve purchased. By keeping track of the food you buy, this app could serve not only as an assistant, but also a source of accountability to someone who is trying to waste less. Check out the app design in the link below!

Aimful Eats