Developing a New Brand

Full site build and branding for coffee camper start-up business, Restored Coffee

Project Overview: This project involved the design and development of a fully functional website for a coffee camper start-up business. The website was designed to be visually appealing and informative, and it also included a custom calendar integration for scheduling. The project also included the creation of brand photography that captured the company’s unique aesthetic.

I was responsible for the planning, design, development, content creation, and brand photography for the website. I worked closely with the client to ensure that the website met their needs and reflected their brand identity.

One of the biggest challenges of this project was the limited budget. I had to be creative and resourceful in order to create a website that met the client’s needs without overspending. Another challenge was finding the right location for the brand photography. We wanted to find a location that would be visually appealing and that would also reflect the company’s values of sustainability and community.

This project demonstrates my skills in website design, development, content creation, and brand photography.

View the Site!